Wayne Enterprises announces Revolution Software
Wayne Enterprises secures an alliance with Videx Inc.
Wayne Enterprises announces its Evidence Barcode Management Software
Wayne Enterprises announces Revolution Software
Wayne Enterprises is proud to release for publication its Revolution™ relational database software. This software is designed for law enforcement and has been in existence since 1990. Our company went public in 2006. The Revolution™ software assists law enforcement in documenting, tracking, controlling and publishing crimes and other duties within the department. The Revolution™ software currently has eleven major functions.
Wayne Enterprises secures an alliance with Videx Inc.
Wayne Enterprises secures an alliance with Videx Inc.
Wayne Enterprises, a leading developer of law enforcement software, recently secured an alliance with the Videx Corporation to provide durable bar code products for law enforcement. Wayne Enterprises sought this alliance due to Videx's commitment in providing superior products and excellent service.
Wayne Enterprises is using bar code readers and symbology to compliment its evidence portion of the Revolution software. Officers complete an electronic property card which assigns a bar code symbol to each evidence item. The officer then places the evidence item inside a temporary storage area. The evidence clerk prints the bar code labels each day and attaches the labels to the newly booked items. The evidence is then moved to its permanent storage area where the bar code of the new location and item is scanned with a bar code reader. The data contained in the bar code reader is downloaded into the Revolution database and all new locations for the evidence items are automatically updated by the software.
Bar code readers make inventories of an evidence room a snap! The average size evidence room can take approximately eight hours to inventory. With a bar code reader, an inventory for an average size department takes approximately one hour. An Evidence clerks simply uses the Videx reader to scan a location then scan all items contained in that location. When the information is downloaded into the database, a report is generated indicating what items are missing, incorrectly marked, and checked-out of the property room.
Brian Germann, CEO and President of Wayne Enterprises, states "For years, retailers have been using bar code products for accurate inventorying and product tracking within their organizations. It makes perfect sense that law enforcement can utilize the same technology to track and control evidence within their agencies."